Thursday 27 October 2011

Did I really listen to this stuff?

Yes and some times I still do, I spend some considerable time traveling and even adele gets on your nerves after a while, I listen to a lot of music and radio, my tastes are broad, this was one of the tracks I happened to listen to on the way home last night, from nineteen seventy er blimey three.

The Track from Genesis, from long ago, The Musical Box prog rock at its most theatrical, I saw this lot at Reading probably in 73, obviously they adapted and became mainstream.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Happy Birthday i newspaper


This blog is basically about what interest me, yes, self obsessed or what. Any how I shall press on, one of my pleasures in life, is reading the papers, although I never noticed the birth of i newspaper. I first came across the offspring of the Independent back in May and have purchased it most days since.

It is as it says at top of the front page the first and only concise quality newspaper brilliant and only 20p, far superior to the Mail, Express, Mirror and all those other tabloids.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

A new departure

I get bored easily, I blog a lot, muchly about politics, than anything else and have learnt to appreciate that there is more to life than my own interests still.

Anyhoo I thought I'd use this blog to blog about stuff that falls outside the normal stuff on Bignews Margate.

First off has to be the actual topic of blogging itself, what do you need?

Well the single most important element of a blog has to be a passion, a desire to communicate even if it's just like, look at the marvellous view.

The Title BM (Bignews Margate) I blog (therefore I am) a quick explanation still it could have been Body Mass (BM) Indicator blog  (i blog) however life's to short.