Friday 4 November 2011

Blogging tools

Having produced in excess of 1500 blog postings (mainly for Bignews Margate), you would think that by now I would have some preferred method or process by which I produce these postings, however this is not the case.

Like many whether or not I suffer from dyslexia, one thing is for sure, I make an awful lot of mistakes some of which I spot before publishing and some I don't, so over the years, five and a half roughly, I've tried alsorts of ways in which to mitigate my deficiencies, short of having my own personal editor, I have to concentrate hard and hope that I spot the most blatant examples.

Some techniques have had limited success, perhaps one of the best examples being voice dictation software, which if you have the patience to train it, will get to around 90 percent plus accuracy, although you still have to read through several times to spot errors, and to be honest the mistakes can be a little more exotic than ommiting a word or simply misspelling.

Of course nothing is perfect, however I am using to produce this posting "Blogger in Draft" and the post editor that has as part of the toolbar, google scribe, basically this is a tool developed by the now defunct Google Labs project, which when used provides you with predictive text input for your post.

As I mentioned I do use other tools, but have to say that this is certainly one of the more easy to use  tools, anyhoo I intend to bore you witless with further revelations about blogging paraphernalia and other malarkey in subsequent postings.

In the meantime, I generally listen to music, so this is what I've listening to most recently.